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Livingston Players

Livingston Players

Eastern division / Edinburgh

We currently have a membership of over 50, ranging in age from 12 to 70. The Livingston Players (SCIO) is fully affiliated to The National Operatic and Dramatic Association and The Scottish Community Drama Association and over the years, we have won numerous drama awards for our quality of acting, production and staging, but we continue to strive for improvement in all areas. The Livingston Players perform three productions each year. One is a musical generally performed in the last week in May, and the other two are plays produced in January and October. We perform our shows in the refurbished Brian Duguid Auditorium at Howden Park Centre - a 300 seat custom built auditorium with full restaurant and bar facilities. Our rehearsals are on Monday and Thursday evenings starting at 7.30pm usually at Carmondean Community Centre, Deans, Livingston. The Livingston Players (SCIO) is a Scottish Charity, registered as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (charity number SC047580)


Howden Park Centre
EH54 6AE