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Youth Summer School Report Summary

SCDA Youth Summer School 2023 – Executive Summary

The summary is intended to provide the key learning points from the youth summer school evaluation carried out by Carole Williams, National Drama Advisor. The project delivered four 2-day summer schools comprising 3 specialist skills (Musical Theatre, Theatre Production and Storytelling/Performance). 100 young people from across Scotland attended the events

What worked well

  • The workshops were well attended with a high level of enthusiasm from participants.
  • The choice of tutors with their strong links to community and professional drama.
  • Local volunteers were able to rotate through the workshops and observe.
  • The cost to attend was kept very low to maximise uptake.
  • Google drive folders allowed sharing of information inline with GDPR compliance.
  • The tutors were very happy with the project and have indicated that SCDA is an organisation that they would work for again in the future if the opportunity arose. 
  • This is a positive message for funding applications and specific soundbytes have been placed in bold in the full report for future use.

What didn’t work so well

● Finding suitable, affordable venues in the best geographic locations for clubs.
● Timing was difficult for both planning and delivery with other SCDA activities such as the play festival as well as panto season.
● Division of responsibilities between Carole and Divisions was difficult to establish.
● Asking clubs to bring the young people and allocating a number of places to them.
● One Division opted out, citing lack of local interest and insufficient information.

What lessons can we learn?

● Any national project being delivered locally needs to involve Districts as well as Divisions and people with relevant expertise need to be part of the local organising team. Volunteers organising the event do not need to be from youth groups.
● We need to select venues in advance. If we had looked at this earlier, we may have adjusted the programme and provided fewer options due to space constraints
● There needs to be greater clarity and mutual understanding over who is responsible for what.
● One process should be used for applications.