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Funding opportunities

An up-to-date listing of the latest funding opportunities including the James Scotland Trust Fund.

James Scotland trust Fund

Grant amount: Up to £x – Grants are fully flexible

Eligibility: Any SCDA Member amateur drama club or group can apply to the fund for a grant to assist with the cost of purchasing and/or upgrading equipment and facilities such as; new premises, lighting purchases, new trailers, sound equipment, trips abroad, etc.

Location: Scotland

About the fund: For several years in the past the emphasis on fund raising within the Association concentrated on District and Divisional matters rather than National ones. We used to regularly get requests for financial help from new clubs, clubs with unexpected financial hardship or even individual cases, e.g. a youngster attending an audition in London. However deserving the case there was no magic fund or account that the General Council could plunder. Jimmy Scotland, playwright and ex-Chairman of the Association was very much aware of this and frequently spoke of the need for a ‘Trust Fund’ that could be a support and embellishment to the national funding. Trustees would run this fund separately from the Association.

In 1988 it was suggested that we set up such a fund and it was agreed it should be called after Mr Scotland. His widow Jean was approached and she graciously and enthusiastically agreed. The legal situation was slow but in February 1990 the trust fund was set up. The many districts and divisions along with individual members and clubs all gave various donations to start the fund. In September 1990 a Royal Gala event starring Andy Stewart, Jimmy Logan and in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon was held to boost the fund.

Current funding opportunities

The Foyle Foundation

 Small Grants Scheme

Our Small Grants Scheme is designed to support charities registered and operating in the United Kingdom, especially those working at grass roots and local community level, in any field, across a wide range of activities. Please note we are not able to support individuals.
Allander Trust

ideal for events involving young people

The Trust provides grants in support of activities which advance the education and training of young people by providing financial support, at a local level, to charitable voluntary organisations
Inspiring Scotland 

Inspiring Scotland have a range of different funds

We work across several policy areas, from survivor support to youth unemployment, to tackle poverty and disadvantage across Scotland in a comprehensive wa
Scottish Rural Network
Searchable database Scottish Rural Network to find local funds
SCVO Funding Scotland

Searchable database SCVO provide links to a range of Scottish funders

Find funding for your charity, community group or social enterprise using our free online search engine. From small grants to funding for big capital projects, we can help you track down the funding you need to make a difference in your community.
National Lottery
A quick way to apply for funding between £300 and £10,000 to support what matters to people and communities. Applications should do at least one of the following: bring people together and build strong relationships in and across communities improve the places and spaces that matter to communities help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage.
Asda Foundation

Asda Foundation Grants

The Asda Foundation aims to transform communities and improve lives. All grant applications are managed through our Asda Superstores. Please use the store locator tool to get in touch with your store Community Champion

GoDA Youth awards for Festivals

Too late for 2023 but available again in 2004. Youth theatres must be of amateur, community or charitable status and wanting to enter a drama festival, special consideration will be given to groups who are entering for the first time. £100 can help with entrance fees, production or travel costs.
Robertson Trust Wee Grants

Small grants of £500 available

For constituted community groups and registered charities working in Scotland, with a total annual income of under £25,000, that support people who are experiencing (or are at risk of experiencing) poverty, trauma or both Funding of between £300 and £2,000 for one year only Apply any time – no set closing dates
Arnold Clark Community

Small grants of £500 available

Up to £1k in financial aid
Young Start

Small grants of £500 available

Young people aged 8 - 24
Tesco Community Grants

Small grants of £500 available

Small grants of up to £500