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We exist to encourage the development of volunteer-led theatre arts in Scotland.
National executive officers, national committee and chairmen.
The association is divided into four divisions, each with local districts.
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Upcoming national, district, divisional and club competitions, events and performances
Annual festival runs at district, divisional, Scottish and UK national level.
Standalone competitions which run during the One Act Play Festival.
View festival adjudicators.
How to organize, set up, run and enter the festival and its competitions.
Festival results going back to 1927.
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Results will appear here as information is provided
Annual competition for the writing and performing of monologues.
Annual playwriting competition.
Upcoming performances and events from our national network of clubs.
Youth Summer School Summary Report
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Delivered by our National Drama Adviser, Carole Williams.
The latest funding opportunities, including the James Scotland Trust Fund.
Our quarterly publication exclusively for SCDA members.
Our network welcomes anyone who interacts with young people to define and deliver our national strategy for supporting youth groups.
One stop shop for purchasing SCDA merchandise
Our in-house drama expert, Carole Williams.
Our national script library, located at Summerhall, Edinburgh.
Our in-house drama expert, Carole Williams.
Our national script library, located at Summerhall, Edinburgh.
Tips and guidance for acting, performance, and writing from our National Drama Adviser.
How to get your performance reviewed.
Best practice for lighting, sound and AV.
PVG, working with adults at risk, and child protection guidance.
Data considerations and GDPR.
Making sure everybody goes home safe from the theatre.
Insurance guidance from clubs.
Music copyright guidance and PRS for Music.
Access to our script library, located in Edinburgh.
View our script catalogue, containing over 25,000 plays.
Become a library member to access scripts without joining SCDA.
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